Yearly Archives: 2017


Online K-12 Schools

The upcoming Learning and the Brain Conference (Boston, November) will focus on “Merging Minds and…

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Promoting Motivation?

Over at 3 Star Learning Experiences, Kirschner and Neelan are skeptical about research into academic…

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The Battle of the Sexes, in Headlines

Two articles jumped out at me today because of the illustrative way they clash with…

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Cell Phones in the Classroom: Expected (and Unexpected) Effects

Quick! Where’s your cell phone? Now that I’ve got your attention: what effect does the…

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Emotional Intelligence: Teachers’ Perspectives

The National Network of State Teachers of the Year has released a report on teaching…

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Home News

I’ll be on vacation during the month of August; in fact, I’ll be out of…

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Helping Students Study Well: The Missing Plank in the Bridge?

Ok: you’ve taught your students a particular topic, and you’ve provided them with lots of…

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How to Lie with Graphs

A handy video from Ted Education gives some pointers on spotting misleading graphs. Pay close…

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“One Size Fits All” Rarely Fits

If you attend Learning and the Brain conferences, or read this blog regularly, you know…

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Rates of ADHD Diagnosis: Age, Gender, and Race

Dr. David Rabiner offers a helpful summary of trends in ADHD diagnoses. The short version:…

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