Yearly Archives: 2018

Limits of Psychology

Look Here Not There: The Limits of Psychology

Daniel Willingham argues that we should acknowledge the limits of psychology education and research for teachers. Although empirical generalizations give us useful guidance, most theories and epistemic assumptions are simply to broad to be helpful. Continue reading

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research-based advice for students

Brains in the Classroom: Research-based Advice for Students

Rather than nag students by telling them to give up their bad study habits, we might instead help them use their current study strategies more effectively. This new study shows students how best to reread, underline, take notes, and use flash cards. Continue reading

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expanding mathematical mindsets

How Would You Like Inventing a New Math?

Five years ago, I had lunch with a 13-year-old who was thinking about attending my…

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Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength,...

Rick Hanson, senior fellow at the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley and a…

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brain scanning technology

Understanding Scanning Technology: When and Where in the Brain

The good folks over at TedEd have produced another helpful brain video — this one…

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Chronotype Influences Grades

Chronotype Influences Grades. Owls Are Sad…

Sleep researchers distinguish between morning “larks” and night “owls.” These chronotypes influence grades, because school schedules favor morning larks over night owls. If we want to help all our students learn, we should create schedules that work for as many of them as possible. Continue reading

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seductive allure of neuroscience

Can You Resist the Seductive Allure of Neuroscience?

The seductive allure of neuroscience often blinds us. In fact, the image on the right…

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flipped classroom for adult learners

Daring to Flip the Public Health Classroom

“Flipping the classroom” has been around long enough now to have its own Wikipedia page….

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Can You Rely on Meta-analysis? Can You Doubt It?

Over at his blog Filling the Pail, Greg Ashman likes challenging popular ideas. In a…

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technology good news

When Bad Technology Is Good Instead

Action video games and cell phones take most of the heat in discussions about the perils of technology. Who’s got anything good to say about either? Continue reading

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