Yearly Archives: 2019

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Right Brained Language Learning (And Other Reasons to Ignore Brain...

Recent research shows that right-hemisphere brain activity predicts successful language learning. For that reason (and many others), we shouldn’t think about “right-brain” or “left-brain” mental functions. Continue reading

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Visual & Verbal: Welcome to “Dual Coding”

By “dual coding” — that is, by presenting information both verbally and visually — we can reduce our students working memory load. And: we can help them learn. Continue reading

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Early Signs of Autism: “Joint Attention”

This video, by Simon Baron-Cohen, explains the importance of “joint attention” in early diagnosis of autism. Continue reading

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A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Confusing

All too often, psychology discussions use confusing — or worse, deliberately cheerful — terminology. Teachers should seek out direct and neutral terms to simplify and clarify our discussions. Continue reading

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No, Brain Scans Can’t See You Think Continue reading

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Does Low-Structure Free Time Improve Executive Function?

Students can be taught executive-function skills that help in schools. They learn executive-function skills that help outside of school by playing on their own. Both kinds of practice help children mature. Continue reading

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Great Myths of Adolescence by  Jeremy D. Jewell, Michael I....

Do you think that teenagers today are lazier, riskier, and more self-absorbed than previous generations? Great…

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The Best-Known Neural Model of Learning Might be Substantially Wrong

A new neural model of long-term memory formation might change our understanding of learning. It should not, however, change our approaches to teaching. Continue reading

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Building a Better Research Mousetrap: @justsaysinmice

A new twitter account can help you sort the good science reporting from the bad. And, it’s got cute pictures too. Continue reading

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Meet Blake Harvard, “Effortful Educator”

An interview with Blake Harvard: high-school psychology teacher, and Effortful Educator. Continue reading

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