Yearly Archives: 2019


The Best (Counter-intuitive) Sleep Advice You’ll Get This Year

How to fall asleep faster? According to this research, take 5 minutes a write a to-do list for the upcoming days. This technique offloads stress, and promotes faster sleep onset. Continue reading

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Studying Wrong Answers Helps Learn the Right Ones

With teaching as with baking, sometimes you should follow steps in a very particular order….

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How Can We Encourage Girls to Pursue STEM Disciplines?

When we see alarming statistics about gender disparities in STEM disciplines, we quite naturally wonder…

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PEERSĀ® for Young Adults: Social Skills Training for Adults With...

Young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) typically want social relationships but have trouble building…

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Can We Boost Our Students’ Self-Control?

You have, no doubt, heard about this research before. Walter Mischel tested preschoolers on self-control….

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A Handy Summary of Memory Definitions, for Teachers and Students

Here‘s a quick summary of information about memory: sensory memory, working memory, long-term memory, and…

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Does Music Promote Students’ Creativity?

Music played during a creative task distracts students…but, music played before the task might increase creativity. Continue reading

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research-based advice for students

Taking Notes with Graphic Organizers

Researchers office us concrete advice on the best form for handwritten notes: outlines vs. graphic organizers; incomplete vs. complete. Continue reading

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Do Collaborative Projects Reduce or Increase Working Memory Stress?

Should teachers ask students to work on projects in teams? This question generates a great…

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Praising Researchers, Despite Our Disagreements

This blog often critiques the hype around “brain training.” Whether Lumosity or Tom Brady‘s “brain…

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