Yearly Archives: 2019


Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of...

Where is your mobile phone right now?  How much time have you spent on it…

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Can Teachers Be Trusted to Evaluate Research?

Too often, teachers hear that our judgment about classroom applications of scientific research isn’t to be trusted. And yet, teacher judgment is essential when applying research in the classroom. Given that psychology research affects classroom practice only when teachers use it, why put down the teachers who are essential partners in this process? Our field should focus not on competition, but on respectful collaboration. Continue reading

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“Mindset Bull****,” “Gimmicks,” and Other Unhelpful Critiques

My friend Cindy Nebel has a thoughtful post about a recent article at TES. Here’s…

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Good News! Contradictory Research on Desirable Difficulties…

As we regularly emphasize here on the blog, attempts to recall information benefit learning. That…

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Is Your Classroom Worth More Than $10,000?

Here’s a remarkable story about potentially falsified research data. The short version: researchers James Heathers…

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Healthy Snacks After Exercise? Depends on the Timing…

We’re likelier to make good snack choices before we exercise than after. This research finding gives us practical advice, and supports a well-known (but recently controversial) theory of self-control. Continue reading

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Welcome to San Francisco

If you’re a regular blog reader, you just might be a frequent Learning and the…

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There’s No Polite Way to Say “I Told You So”

Back in 2014, Pam Mueller and Dan Oppenheimer made headlines with their wittily titled study…

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Can Creativity Be Taught? What’s the Formula?

My edutwitter feed has a lively debate about this question: can we teach people to…

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Why Do Teachers Resist Research? And, Why Should We?

Let’s imagine that you show me research suggesting that students remember the words they draw…

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