
Lightening the Cognitive Load

How should we manage working memory limitations in the classroom? Furtheredogogy has a handy post…

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(Mis)Understanding Educational Stats

Over at The Anova, Freddie deBoer has a knack for writing about statistical questions and…

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Downside to Oxytocin

Oxytocin in Crisis

Oxytocin is often described as the “love hormone.” Apparently lots of oxtyocin is swirling around…

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Head Start: Getting To Yes

Loyal blog readers know that Austin Matte is our local expert on Head Start. To…

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Home News

Exciting news: my book was published at the beginning of April. (I’m resisting the temptation…

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The Potential Benefits of High School Music Classes

Should 9th graders start music classes–even if they’ve never played an instrument before? Are there academic…

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School, Self-Regulation, and the Brain

The Study A just-published study asks about the effect of schooling on the brain. (A…

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What He Said

In recent weeks, this blog has written about the dangerous assumption that students can just…

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Good News ! (?) College Profs Don’t Use the Untrue...

This story offers both good and bad news: I’ll let you sort out whether there’s…

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Classroom Data to Enhance STEM Teaching

Regular readers of this blog remember Scott MacClintic’s post about “data informed instruction”; quoting W….

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