
Bilingual Advantage: Efficient Processing

Recently, I linked to a study suggesting potential downsides to bilingualism: in at least this…

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Interactive Teaching at Harvard

Harvard’s Initiative for Teaching and Learning has posted videos of their most recent conference. The…

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Puzzled by Adolescents? Or, by Adolescence?

Let Sarah-Jayne Blakemore sort it all out for you in this introductory Ted Talk from…

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Does Size Matter?

Is a man’s amygdala larger than a woman’s? And: why does it matter? The amygdala…

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Research Morsel: a Potential Downside for Bilingualism?

Research into the benefits of bilingualism has gotten lots of attention in recent years. For…

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To Ban or Not to Ban: A Usefully Provocative Answer

For every enthusiastic voice championing the use of laptops in classrooms, we hear equally skeptical…

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Book Review: the Promise and Perils of fMRI

Russell Poldrack reviews Sex, Lies, and Brain Scans: How fMRI Reveals What Really Goes on…

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Kitchen Knives and Face Blindness: An fMRI story

Nancy Kanwisher asks: is the brain like a kitchen knife, or is it like a…

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What do teachers need to know about neurons?

At EdSurge News, Sydney Johnson ponders neurotransmitters, social development, and the marvelous Mary Helen Immordino-Yang.

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“Screen Time”: Content and Context Matter

This open letter–signed by many psychologists and neuroscientists well-known to LaTB audiences–argues that current panic about…

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