
Category Archives: L&B Blog


The Joys (and Stresses) of Teacher/Neuroscientist Collaboration

In an ideal world, teachers and researchers collaborate to bring out the best in each…

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Two Swings, Two Misses: The New York Times on Education

Two recent articles in the New York Times have gotten lots of teacherly attention. What’s…

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parenting teens

Big Hairy Audacious Education Proposal of the Month

John Medina’s books have been a gateway drug for many a brain-focused teacher. (Like so…

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exam stress

Two Helpful Strategies to Lessen Exam Stresses

Exam stress bothers many of our students. Sadly, it hinders students from lower socio-economic status…

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monitoring screen time

Strategies that Backfire: Monitoring Screen Time

Paradoxically, monitoring screen time for young children increases their screen usage. A better strategy: modeling the behavior we want to see. Continue reading

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drawing benefits memory

Does Drawing a Simple Picture Benefit Memory?

If a picture is worth 1000 words, how many words is drawing a picture worth?…

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Spiders in Budapest: Deeper Understanding of the Brain

“Why can I forget what the capital of Hungary is, but not that I’m afraid…

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Dodging “Dodgy” Research: Strategies to Get Past Bunk

If we’re going to rely on research to improve teaching — that’s why you’re here,…

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Research Summary: The Best and Worst Highlighting Strategies

Does highlighting help students learn? As is so often the case, the answer is: it…

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Let’s Have More Fun with the Correlation/Causation Muddle

We’ve explored the relationship of correlation and causation before on the blog. In particular, this…

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