homework improves conscientiousness

Category Archives: L&B Blog

homework improves conscientiousness

Homework Improves Conscientiousness: Do You Believe It?

Obviously, conscientious students are more likely to do their homework. Researchers in Germany have found initial reasons to believe that doing homework improves conscientiousness. We can reasonably hope that homework benefits students beyond the learning its helps consolidate. Continue reading

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Adolescent self-control

Adolescents and Self-Control: Do Teens Recognize High Stakes?

Why is adolescent self-control so difficult? Recent research suggests that teens don’t consistently recognize the difference between high-stakes and low-stakes situations. And: the brain networks that help them do so don’t mature until we turn 19 or 20. Continue reading

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assessing inquiry learning

Point/Counterpoint: Escaping the Inquiry Learning Debate

In the absence of consistent research findings, assessing Inquiry Learning can be a challenge. Teachers should rely on basic cognitive variables — like working memory and attention — to reach conclusions about its usefulness. Continue reading

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uniquely human

Uniquely Human: How Animals Differ From People

What separates humans from other animals? What makes us uniquely human? This question can be…

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Teens and Cell Phones

Teens and Cell Phones: The Good, The Bad, The (Not...

Debates about teens and cell phones often miss a crucial distinction. Although digital technologies can exacerbate problems for the few adolescents who are already struggling, they can provide real social benefits for the majority who are doing just fine. Continue reading

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VR haptics + Pedagogy

Feeling the Possibilities: Virtual Reality and Teaching

Regular readers of this blog know that I like technology, but I’m not easily wowed…

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mindset controversy

The Mindset Controversy: Is It Time to Give Up?

Few theories have gotten more teacherly attention than Carol Dweck’s work on Mindset. As you…

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The Benefits (?) of Interactive Online Science Teaching

Few educational innovations have gotten more hype than online learning, and few have a more…

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Alcohol and Learning: Does Drinking Harm Memory?

Back in October, I published one of the blog’s most popular articles: a summary of a…

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adult neurogenesis

STOP THE PRESSES: New Evidence Against Adult Neurogenesis

For years, neuroscientists believed that neural growth ended in childhood. In the 1960s, however, researchers found that adults could grow new neurons: an event called “adult neurogenesis.” As of this morning, this new orthodoxy might be switching back to the old one. Continue reading

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