
Category Archives: L&B Blog


Correlation Isn’t Causation, Is It?

(Image source) The ever provocative Freddie deBoer explores the relationship between correlation and causation. You…

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Home News

In the excitement of this weekend’s Learning and the Brain conference, I overlooked my own…

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Finding Meaning in Visuals

When you open your eyes, where do they focus? Presumably, your eyes automatically turn to…

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The Dangers of Weird Neuroscience

How do psychologists know what they know about human mental processes? Quite often, they run…

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Does project-based learning work?

The answer to the titular question depends on a) your definition of “project-based learning,” and b) your…

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Cell Phones and Boundaries

Regular readers of this blog—and, people who have even a glimpse of common sense—already know…

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Meet the Speakers: Dr. Pooja K. Agarwal

Editor’s note: Dr. Agarwal will be speaking at next week’s Learning and the Brain conference….

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Multiple-Choice Tests Are A) Good or B) Bad

Teachers hate (and love) multiple-choice tests. On the one hand, they seem dreadfully reductive. On…

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The Pro-Homework Argument

The Effortful Educator, an 11th and 12th grade psychology teacher, outlines the research-based case…

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Bright Screens and Sleep

Here’s a handy review of the effects that bright computer and tablet screens have on…

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