Category Archives: L&B Blog

TED ED Takes on the Mind Body Problem

Here’s a short video covering a long-debated question.

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The Neural Effects of Media Multitasking

If you’re attending Learning and the Brain’s “Merging Minds and Technology” Conference in November, you’re…

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Neuroscience and Neuromyths

Does neuroscience education help reduce a teacher’s belief in neuromyths? According to this recent study:…

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Parents, High School Start Times, and Sleepy Teens

Research findings that support later high-school start times have been more and more common in…

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More Thoughts on Gender Differences

Regular readers of this blog know that I’m a skeptic about gender differences in learning….

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Decisions, Decisions: Helping Students with Complex Reasoning

Most of us have heard the adage about the two ways that someone can get…

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The Effect of Alcohol on Learning…

…might not be what you’d expect. My prediction would have been that if I have…

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Criticizing Critical Thinking

Over at Newsweek, Alexander Nazaryan wants to vex you. Here’s a sample: Only someone who…

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Lighten the Load

You’d like an 8 page summary of Cognitive Load Theory, written in plain English for…

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How Best to Count

Should young children count on their fingers when learning math? You can find strong opinions…

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