
Category Archives: L&B Blog


Brain Regions or Brain Networks?

Here’s an odd brain theory to start off your day: Let’s assume that particular regions…

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Video Games and Empathy

Do violent video games reduce empathy? If people spend lots of time pretending to beat…

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This is Your Chess on Ritalin

In movies and on television, chess skill symbolizes “pure intelligence.” Characters who can outwit others…

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True or False: Fidget Spinners Benefit Students with ADHD?

The Learning Scientists are on the case…

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Montessori: The New Science behind the Century-Old Methodology (part II)

“Freedom in intellectual work is found to be the basis of internal discipline” (*Montessori, 1917/1965)….

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Out with the Old…

Articles about learning styles theory–including my own–typically focus on debunking the theory. This article, over…

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Memorable Beauty?

Over at Psychology Today, Nate Kornell speculates about the potential memory benefits of taking beautiful notes….

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Lightening the Cognitive Load

How should we manage working memory limitations in the classroom? Furtheredogogy has a handy post…

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(Mis)Understanding Educational Stats

Over at The Anova, Freddie deBoer has a knack for writing about statistical questions and…

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Montessori: The New Science behind a Century-Old Methodology (part I)

Maria Montessori described observing children in a traditional classroom as being tantamount to an entomologist…

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