Cute little child girl playing game in virtual reality glasses.

Category Archives: L&B Blog

Cute little child girl playing game in virtual reality glasses.

Tech in the Classroom: Is Virtual Reality Likely to Help...

Educators have long hoped that that technology holds great promise to move the educational system…

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The View from the Podium

Every wonder what it’s like to plan a Big Room presentation for Learning and the Brain?…

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Click Here: The Technology of Retrieval Practice in the Classroom

Back in the dark ages, when I was just cutting my teaching teeth, we teachers…

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Mother and daughter doing homework learning to calculate

Parent-Child Interactions: Forming Beliefs About Intelligence

It is common knowledge that parents play a vital role in their children’s development. However,…

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Can Our Evolutionary Past Help Shape Our Classrooms’ Future?

Humans are genetically adapted for learning. The transmission of information, skills, culture, and knowledge from…

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The World’s Obsession With Plastic May Damage Developing Brains

It’s easy to look at the past and guffaw at human negligence related to healthy…

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Now that you’ve been to LaTB, we’d love to hear your story. What did you…

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Research Morsel: Digital Media vs. Flourishing

  The Findings: Researchers at Brown University1 have found that increased time spent on “digital…

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On Average, the Average is Off

  Here’s a potential headline: BOOK ON STATISTICS MAKES GRIPPING READING Or, another: COMMONLY USED…

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Can growth mindset really grow your brain?

The Olympics have just come to an end­. Though this year’s games have been mired…

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