Underwater picture of a young boy swimming directly toward the camera

Beware the Experts: The Danger of Popular Science Writing

Here’s a little expert advice on nutrition: Michael Phelps — the most decorated Olympic athelete…

Two students in conversation

Think, Pair, Share: Does It Help? If Yes, Why?

On some days, I find myself drawn to esoteric research studies. A few months ago,…


A Mind for Numbers by Barbara Oakley

A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked…

Young girl looking intently into a museum display case

Cultural Field Trips: Do They Really Enhance SEL?

Here at Learning and the Brain, we like research-informed teaching suggestions. At the same time,…

4 students sitting at a table discussing something visible on a laptop

Should We Teach Math and English the Same Way?

Because we teachers are a busy lot, we sometimes want simplicity and clarity: “I’m honestly…

Young rowan tree seedling grow from old stump in a sunlit forest.

When Prior Knowledge Bites Back: The Dangers of Knowing Too...

In this blog, we typically highlight the benefits of prior knowledge. For example: if a…

portrait of father teaching daughter how to read by using simple words and letters on a flash card at home

Practical Advice for Students: How to Make Good Flashcards

Flashcards feel to me like a research sweet-spot. In the first place: for the most…


Belonging by Geoffrey Cohen

Geoffrey Cohen, a professor of Psychology at Stanford University, explores the science of self and…

A neuron made up of walls of binary code: 0s and 1s.

ChatGPT and Beyond: The Best Online Resources for Evaluating Research...

If we’re going to make “research-based” claims about education — and we are! — then…

Two baby goats, one brown and white, theo other black and white, frolicking in a field.

“Seductive Details” meet “Retrieval Practice”: A Match Made in Cognitive...

Here’s a common problem: your job today is to teach a boring topic. (You don’t think…