
The Rise and Fall and Rise of Growth Mindset

Few theories in education have had a more dramatic story arc than Carol Dweck’s “Mindset.”…


Proxy Battles: The Value of Handshakes at the Door

Should teachers welcome students to the classroom with elaborate individual handshakes? Or — in these…


The 10-Minute Rule: Is The Lecture Dead?

The “10-minute rule” offers teachers practical guidance. It typically sounds something like this: If students…


To Grade or Not to Grade: Should Retrieval Practice Quizzes...

We’ve seen enough research on retrieval practice to know: it rocks. When students simply review…


What (and Why) Should Students Memorize? Confidence and Fluency for...

In our profession, memorization has gotten a bad name. The word conjures up alarming images: Dickensian…


Prior Knowledge: Building the Right Floor [Updated]

Researchers can demonstrate that some core knowledge is essential for students to start learning about a topic. Teachers can use that guidance to improve learning for all students. Continue reading


Game on? Brain On!: The Surprising Relationship between Play and...

Game on? Brain On!: The Surprising Relationship between Play and Gray (Matter)  is an affectionate,…


Assembling the Big Classroom Picture

The last 20 years have brought about powerful new ways to think about teaching and…


Retrieval Practice and Metacognition: What and How Do Students Think...

Ask almost anyone in Learning and the Brain world, they’ll tell you: retrieval practice benefits students….


“Kids These Days!”: A (Partial) Defense of Ignorance and Distractibility

You’ve seen the videos. An earnest reporter wielding a microphone accosts a college student and…