The Perpetual Now

Life Without Memory: Your Hippocampus and You

Who are you without your memory? In neurobiological lingo: who are you without your hippocampus?…

Environmental Consequences of Ed Tech

Neil Selwin argues, dramatically, that “EdTech is Killing Us All.” His point is not that…

cognitive breaks

Can Quiet Cognitive Breaks Help You Learn?

A 10-minute cognitive break improves our memory for story details. If this research pans out, it might be immensely helpful in the classroom. Watch this space… Continue reading


T/F: Timed Tests Cause Math Anxiety?

Questions about math and anxiety have been on the uptick recently. Over at Filling the…

prevent cheating

How to Stop Cheating: An Awkward Debate

Despite promising early research, current findings suggest that “moral reminders” don’t prevent cheating. Alas: the “replication crisis” continues… Continue reading


The Fear Factor: How One Emotion Connects Altruists, Psychopaths, and...

Abigail Marsh’s 2017 book , reviews research by her and others showing that extraordinary altruists…


Using and Misusing Averages: The Benefits of Music?

The “10 Minute Rule” tells us that people can’t pay attention to something for longer…

live theater

Live Theater Boosts Student Knowledge and Tolerance

Question: What’s the most potentially misleading kind of research? Answer: Research that supports a position…

teenage hormones

Teenagers, Hormones, and Other Stubborn Myths

There’s a short video about adolescence making the rounds on social media. The video offers…

The Best Length of Time for a Class

I met yesterday with several thoughtful teachers who had resonant questions about education research. How…