
Improving the Syllabus: Surprising Benefits of Jumbling

Jumbling practice problem topics together helps students learn more than organizing practice problems by topic. Continue reading

boring and tired little girl with many books

When Homework Is (and Isn’t) Genuinely Helpful

The question “does homework help students learn” is too big a question. We need to narrow it down. What age student are we discussing? What kind of homework are they doing? What discipline are they studying? Continue reading

Foolish “Brain Training” Flim-Flam of the Day

Tom Brady’s new “Brain Training” Website looks a lot like earlier attempts to over-hype thinly supported brain research. Don’t fall for it. Continue reading

Charles Fadel Headshot

Focus on the Speaker: Charles Fadel Champions Curriculum Redesign

Most educational reform focuses on the way the teaching happens: project based learning, or flipped classrooms, or technology, or that sort of thing. Your focus is more on curriculum, which is to say, what it is that teachers are actually teaching. Why have you chosen that focus, instead of the method of teaching? Continue reading

“Ben Barres gave a great seminar today, but then his...

The remarkable work of a transgender neuroscientist, who inspired colleagues and changed our understanding of the brain. Continue reading


Benefiting from Retrieval Practice: Get the Timing Just Right

Retrieval practice is an excellent study strategy for students more than 24 hours ahead of a test. However, within that 24 hour window, teachers and students should focus more on connecting ideas rather than recalling them. Continue reading


An Extra Half-Hour of Sleep? An Extra Hour?

Students whose first class started later than 8:30 got between 27 and 57 (!) more minutes of sleep than students whose classes started earlier. Imagine just how much more learning might happen if a teen regularly got an extra hour of sleep. Continue reading


Enhance Memory by Saying Important Words Aloud

You’d like to remember a list of words better? Here’s a simple trick: read them out loud to yourself. Continue reading


Frequency and Memory: Essential Brain Wave Boost

Earlier this month, I linked to a study showing that declarative and procedural memories correspond with different…


Mindset, Gender, and Intelligence: Confusing Myth or Painful Truth

In this research, there was no consistent gender split on Mindset. And, for men as well as women, intelligence level didn’t consistently influence Mindset; nor did a Growth Mindset predict academic accomplishment. Continue reading