Search Results for: positive stress


An Unexpected Strategy to Manage Student Stress

We might be inclined to reassure our anxious students, and advise them to “remain calm.” This research, however, suggests a surprising alternative. Continue reading

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On the Bright Side: The Science of Good Stress

A Google image search for “stress” makes our culture’s attitude about the concept immediately clear….

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How to Recognize PTSD in the Classroom… And Why it...

I recently watched a Ted Talk1 by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris where she addressed the effects…

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Young girl at school practicing yoga on a mat

When Experience Contradicts Research: The Problem with Certainty

A friend recently told me about his classroom experience using mindfulness to promote thoughtful and…

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Stressed teacher sitting in front of a white board with comlex mathematical equations on it

Overwhelmed Teachers: The Working-Memory Story

If I could pick one topic from cognitive science for ALL TEACHERS to study, that…

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Kindergarten students sitting on the floor, listening to the teacher at the chalkboard

The Cold-Calling Debate: Potential Perils, Potential Successes

Some education debates focus on BIG questions: high structure vs. low structure pedagogy? technology: good…

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Stressed Students at Exam

Test Anxiety: How and When Does It Harm Students?

When our students learn, we naturally want them to show us what they’ve learned. Most schools…

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Confused stress student

The Downsides of Desirable Difficulties

For several years now, we’ve been talking about the benefits of “desirable difficulties.” For instance,…

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The Rise and Fall and Rise of Growth Mindset

Few theories in education have had a more dramatic story arc than Carol Dweck’s “Mindset.”…

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Gratitude in School, 2020 Edition

Here’s a pre-Thanksgiving question: How much good news can you pack into one psychology study?…

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