Tag Archives: dual coding

A pencil drawing of two hands clasping each other

Piece-by-Piece PowerPoint: Exploring the “Dynamic Drawing Principle”

The plan for this blog post: First: I’ll describe a particular teaching practice — one…

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Book Cover for Teaching & Learning Illuminated

Classroom Cognition Explained, or, Dual Coding Just Right

The Good News: research into cognitive science can be SPECTACULARLY USEFUL to teachers. (That’s why…

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Young woman draws an animated storyboard

Do Animations Improve Learning? A Definitivie Answer, Please…

Recently I discussed working memory overload with a group of wise and thoughtful teachers. I showed…

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A chess board seen from an angle, with red arrows showing how pieces might move in different combinations

Should Teachers Explain or Demonstrate?

If I were a chess teacher, I would want my newbies to understand … ……

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Dual Coding

Teaching with Images: Worth the Effort?

According to Richard Mayer’s “multimedia principle,” People learn better from words and pictures than from…

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Pages from Dual Coding for Teachers HR

A New Book on Dual Coding (That Redefines the Word...

Oliver Caviglioli’s genre-bending book both explains Dual Coding, and exemplifies Dual Coding in its structure and organization. You’ll think differently about teaching, and even about reading books. Continue reading

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Obsessed with Working Memory: SOLUTIONS!

Once we anticipate and recognize working memory problems in our classrooms, teachers have many (MANY) flexible strategies to solve those problems. Continue reading

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