Tag Archives: mindfulness

Young girl at school practicing yoga on a mat

When Experience Contradicts Research: The Problem with Certainty

A friend recently told me about his classroom experience using mindfulness to promote thoughtful and…

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A happy student wearing a vest, bow tie, and an upside-down colander on his head, holding a finger up in the air as lightbulbs glow around him

Research Advice That’s New + Useful: Improve Learning by Reappraising...

Research benefits teachers if it gives us new, useful ideas. We can feel relief and…

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Meditating Students

Does Mindfulness Help? A Blockbuster New Study

Few ideas in education sound better than mindfulness. If mindfulness programs work as intended, teachers…

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An Exciting Event In Mindfulness Research [Repost]

I’ve been reviewing old posts, looking for information that might be particularly helpful in today’s…

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Good Morning, I love You: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Practice to...

Shauna Shapiro, expert in mindfulness and compassion, recently authored Good Morning, I love You: Mindfulness…

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Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence–The Groundbreaking Meditation Practice...

Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence guides readers through a meditative practice based on…

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What if a Research-Supported Educational Idea is Unconstitutional?

A religious studies professor argues that required mindfulness programs in schools create constitutional problems. She also offers solutions. Continue reading

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Even More Good News about Mindfulness

A second recent study, this one correlating mindfulness with academic progress, gives us further hope that mindfulness can help our students and our school. Continue reading

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An Exciting Event in Mindfulness Research

New research on mindfulness training avoids the pitfalls of earlier studies. And: it shows meaningful changes in both the mind and the brain. Continue reading

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What Helps After a Stressful Day? Mindfulness Apps or Digital...

A recent study comparing a mindfulness app to a digital game gives us helpful insight into de-stressing strategies. Continue reading

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