Tag Archives: neuromyths

false learning categories

You Are a Learning Style of One

Many educational fads ask teachers to sort our students into false learning categories: by learning style, for example, or by gender. Instead, we should focus on cognitive processes — like memory and attention — that apply to all our students. As learners we can’t be categorized, but we’re more alike than different. Continue reading

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seductive allure of neuroscience

Can You Resist the Seductive Allure of Neuroscience?

The seductive allure of neuroscience often blinds us. In fact, the image on the right…

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Don’t Be Fooled by the Learning Pyramid Myth

The problem with the pyramid is not merely that it’s inaccurate, but that it’s incoherent.
The important lesson here goes beyond “always check the sources.” Instead, the point is “always check specific claims.”
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Foolish “Brain Training” Flim-Flam of the Day

Tom Brady’s new “Brain Training” Website looks a lot like earlier attempts to over-hype thinly supported brain research. Don’t fall for it. Continue reading

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Brain Training and Dementia

When you see claims for an exciting new brain training finding (the headline crows “Dementia…

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Finding Meaning in Visuals

When you open your eyes, where do they focus? Presumably, your eyes automatically turn to…

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Neuroscience and Neuromyths

Does neuroscience education help reduce a teacher’s belief in neuromyths? According to this recent study:…

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Lefty or Righty?

You’ve surely heard about students being left-brained or right-brained. And: you’ve probably heard that this…

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Out with the Old…

Articles about learning styles theory–including my own–typically focus on debunking the theory. This article, over…

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Good News ! (?) College Profs Don’t Use the Untrue...

This story offers both good and bad news: I’ll let you sort out whether there’s…

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