Tag Archives: neuroscience

slim neural networks

The Neuroscience of Intelligence: “Slim” Neural Networks

Although “more” often seems better, brains can benefit from “less.” Recent research suggests that higher levels of intelligence result from more efficient networks. These slim neural networks result in better processing. Continue reading

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caffeine and cognition

When You Want Higher Brain Entropy, Add Caffeine

Taking caffeine increases your level of “brain entropy,” a measurement of the “different neural states that a brain can access.” High brain entropy just might be good…and so it might also be good for caffeine to raise it. Clearly, the relationship between caffeine and cognition is complicated. Continue reading

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seductive allure of neuroscience

Can You Resist the Seductive Allure of Neuroscience?

The seductive allure of neuroscience often blinds us. In fact, the image on the right…

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adult neurogenesis

STOP THE PRESSES: New Evidence Against Adult Neurogenesis

For years, neuroscientists believed that neural growth ended in childhood. In the 1960s, however, researchers found that adults could grow new neurons: an event called “adult neurogenesis.” As of this morning, this new orthodoxy might be switching back to the old one. Continue reading

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understanding brain waves

Surfing Brain Waves to Better Concentration

What’s the difference between a gamma and a delta wave? Why do we care? This…

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neuroplasticity and myelin

Neuroplasticity and Myelin: Fascinating Brain Mysteries

Neuroplasticity and myelin are critical for the brain’s lifelong development, and essential for some of its most remarkable accomplishments. Continue reading

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Getting the Best Advice about Learning

Occasionally I try to persuade people that neuroscience is fantastically complicated. In other words: we…

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Top Neuroscience Stories of 2017, Wisely Annotated

The top neuroscience stories of 2017 help teachers understand the brain, its connection to the body, ADHD, and the guidance that science can offer teachers. Continue reading

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A Bilingual Advantage in New Language Acquisition?

Neuroscience research suggests a bilingual advantage for learning a new language. The the debate about the benefits of bilingual education continues… Continue reading

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Downside to Oxytocin

Surprise! Less Oxytocin Might Improve Social Interaction

A potential downside to oxytocin: it might harm social interactions. This specific research finding offers teachers a general reminder: be skeptical of simplistic teaching advice based on hormones. Continue reading

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