Tag Archives: technology


Does Banning Classroom Technology Improve Engagement? Learning?

A study looking a technology ban in a classroom yielded puzzling results, and insightful recommendations. Continue reading

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Beyond the Mouse: Pointing in Online Lectures

When teachers use gestures appropriately in online learning, students learn more. Continue reading

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Does Smartphone Addiction Boost Anxiety and Depression?

Despite all the scary headlines, research on cell-phone usage relies on self-report. And: people are very bad at remembering how much they actually use their phones. We simply don’t yet know much from research about their effects. Continue reading

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Overcoming Potential Perils of Online Learning

Typical at-home distractions can indeed interfere with online learning. Happily, researchers have suggestions on how best to mitigate these problems. Continue reading

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More Contradictions in the Adolescent Sleep/Technology Debate

New research, contradicting prior research, shows that pre-bedtime screen use does lower adolescent quality of life. We can managing this contradiction best by focusing on the children right in front of us. Continue reading

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Pointing Out Online Mistakes Like a “Jerk”: More Misuses of...

Despite the click-bait headlines, research doesn’t show much of anything surprising or consequential about people who correct your grammar online. Continue reading

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Surprise: Screen Time (Even Before Bed) Doesn’t Harm Adolescents

A very large study with more than 17,000 people suggests that screen time isn’t really harming adolescent well-being. If that’s true, we should focus our efforts on finding and solving real problems in adolescent life, and not be distracted by sincere but inaccurate hype. Continue reading

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monitoring screen time

Strategies that Backfire: Monitoring Screen Time

Paradoxically, monitoring screen time for young children increases their screen usage. A better strategy: modeling the behavior we want to see. Continue reading

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handwritten notes

Ask a Simple Question, Get an Oversimplified Answer

Handwritten notes might help students who review them, but laptop notes seem to help those who don’t. In brief: even simple questions have complex answers. Continue reading

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media multitasking

Does Media Multitasking Really Interfere with Student Thinking?

To many teachers, it just seems obvious: all that screen times MUST be bad for…

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