Tag Archives: technology

Environmental Consequences of Ed Tech

Neil Selwin argues, dramatically, that “EdTech is Killing Us All.” His point is not that…

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paper vs. screens

The Best Way to Read? Paper vs. Screens

The “paper vs. screens” debate has a clear winner: in most circumstances, students understand better and learn more when they read from paper. Continue reading

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divided attention

Fresh News on your Laptop Ban

In a college lecture course, divided attention caused by technology distractions didn’t harm student learning in the short term. But, on the final exam, it hurt both those who used the technology and those around them. With research like this, we can help students use technology more responsibly. Continue reading

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technology good news

When Bad Technology Is Good Instead

Action video games and cell phones take most of the heat in discussions about the perils of technology. Who’s got anything good to say about either? Continue reading

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Teens and Cell Phones

Teens and Cell Phones: The Good, The Bad, The (Not...

Debates about teens and cell phones often miss a crucial distinction. Although digital technologies can exacerbate problems for the few adolescents who are already struggling, they can provide real social benefits for the majority who are doing just fine. Continue reading

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VR haptics + Pedagogy

Feeling the Possibilities: Virtual Reality and Teaching

Regular readers of this blog know that I like technology, but I’m not easily wowed…

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The Benefits (?) of Interactive Online Science Teaching

Few educational innovations have gotten more hype than online learning, and few have a more…

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Cell Phones and Boundaries

Regular readers of this blog—and, people who have even a glimpse of common sense—already know…

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Bright Screens and Sleep

Here’s a handy review of the effects that bright computer and tablet screens have on…

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Technology in Schools: Beyond Anecdotes…

Because technology is everywhere, anecdotes about technology abound. Almost everyone in your school has opinions…

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