Tag Archives: technology


Learning from (gulp) Video Games

Many teachers I know are baffled by the attraction of video games; some are heartily…

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The Potential Perils of Google

You have heard before, and will doubtless hear again, that students don’t need to memorize…

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Classroom Note Taking: A Solution to the Technology Conundrum?

[Editor’s note: this guest blogger piece is by Cindy Gadziala, Chairperson of Theology at Fontbonne…

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Debate: E-Readers and Reading Comprehension

[Editor’s note: Scott’s post is in response to this earlier article.] Most times when I get…

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E-Readers and Reading Comprehension

The invaluable Daniel Willingham briefly reviews the literature, and concludes that — for the time being…

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To Ban or Not to Ban: A Usefully Provocative Answer

For every enthusiastic voice championing the use of laptops in classrooms, we hear equally skeptical…

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“Screen Time”: Content and Context Matter

This open letter–signed by many psychologists and neuroscientists well-known to LaTB audiences–argues that current panic about…

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Laptops in the Classroom: The Debate Continues…

In at least this one college classroom, non-academic laptop use is inversely related to performance…

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Does Internet Use “Rewire Adolescent Brains”?

Our very own Kathryn Mills says: we’ve got a lot of anecdotes, but not a…

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Cute little child girl playing game in virtual reality glasses.

Tech in the Classroom: Is Virtual Reality Likely to Help...

Educators have long hoped that that technology holds great promise to move the educational system…

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