January-18-2025, ●Online
February-1-2025, ●Online
March-1-2025, ●Online
March-22-2025, ●Online
April-5-2025, ●Online
July 14-18, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 14-18, 2025●Boston, MA
July 14-18, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 21-25, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 21-25, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 21 2025 - July 25 2025, ●Boston, MA
Damian Bebell, PhD, Assistant Research Professor, Lynch School of Education; Senior Research Associate, Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation and Education Policy, Boston College; Principal Investigator, edX and Gates Foundation Community College Pilot Project; Principal Investigator, Natick Public School 21st Century Teaching and Learning Study; Co-Author, “One to one computing: A summary of the quantitative results from the Berkshire wireless learning initiative”
(2010, Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment)
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