Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences; Principal Investigator, Brain Healthy Project, NEAG School of Education, University of Connecticut; Brain Researcher who studies how students learn in real classrooms using portable Electroencephalography (EEG) and eye tracking technologies; Co-Author, "Neuroscience Research in the Classroom: Portable Brain Technologies in Education Research" (2021, Educational Researcher); "Making BrainWaves: Portable Brain Technology in Biology Education" (2021, bioRxiv), "Morning Brain: Real-World Neural Evidence that High School Class Times Matter" (2020, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience), and "Measuring Brain Waves in the Classroom" (2020, Frontiers for Young Minds)
Brain Healthy: Helping Students Evaluate Their Brain Health and Well-Being
Insights From Wearable Brain Technologies on Engagement and School Schedules
Why Attention Matters: How Active Learning Strategies and Synchronized Brain Activity Support Attention and Learning (and Science Education)
The Neuroscience of Social Learning: Brain-to-Brain Synchrony and Group Interaction