Chief Impact Officer and Co-Founder, Learner-Centered Collaborative; Chief Impact Officer, Altitude Learning; Former Director of Professional Learning, University of San Diego; Former Director of District Leadership, Buck Institute for Education; Former Middle School Teacher and Instructional Coach; Author, Evolving Education: Shifting to a Learner-Centered Paradigm (2021) and Learner-Centered Innovations: Spark Curiosity, Ignite Passion, and Unleash Genius (2018)
The Evolving Role of the Educator: Creating Experiences to Spark Curiosity and Passion in a Digital Age
Evolving Education: Shifting to a Learner-Centered Paradigm
Learner-Centered Assessment Practices to Accelerate Learning and Growth
Leveraging Technology for Learner-Centered Experiences
Learner Centered Innovation: Experiences That Spark Curiosity, Ignite Passion, and Unleash Genius