January-18-2025, ●Online
February-1-2025, ●Online
March-1-2025, ●Online
March-22-2025, ●Online
April-5-2025, ●Online
July 14-18, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 14-18, 2025●Boston, MA
July 14-18, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 21-25, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 21-25, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 21 2025 - July 25 2025, ●Boston, MA
Mitchell J. Nathan, PhD, BSEE, Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Director, Center on Education and Work; Director, IES Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Mathematical Thinking, Learning and Instruction; Co-Author, "Improving Students’ Learning With Effective Learning Techniques" (2013, Psychological Science in the Public Interest), "Students Learn More When their Teacher has Learned to Gesture Effectively" (2013, Gesture), "Embodiment in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Evidence from Learners’ and Teachers’ Gestures" (2012, Journal of Learning Sciences)
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