
Tuesday, July 15

1:00 PM - 5:45 PM:

  • Intrroduction
  • Connecting the dots backwards
  • A review of the history of the concepts of mindsets and resilience in the fields of education and psychology
  • Key questions about mindsets that will guide this course
  • The concept of a “charismatic adult” and its relevance to education
  • Exercises to apply in staff meetings related to charismatic adults
  • Small group discussion focusing on charismatic adults

6:00 PM: Welcome dinner

Wednesday, July 16

7:30 AM - 8:00 AM: Continental breakfast

8:00 AM - 12 Noon:

  • A description of the characteristics of the mindset of engaged, motivated students
  • A description of the mindset of resilient students
  • Small group discussion focusing on question: “What is your theory of motivation?”

12 Noon -12:45 PM: Lunch

12:45 PM - 2:45 PM:

  • A description of two theories of motivation
  • Attribution Theory
  • Deci and Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory
  • Small group discussion focusing on question: “How would you use Attribution Theory and/or Self-Determination Theory” to reinforce intrinsic motivation in the classroom?  What, if any, obstacles might you anticipate in applying these theories in the classroom?

Thursday, July 17


7:30 AM - 8:00 AM: Continental breakfast

8:00 AM-12 Noon:

  • A description of the characteristics of the concept of “student engagement”
  • A description of the commonalities among intrinsic motivation, student engagement, and resilience and their relationship with a positive school climate
  • A beginning description of the mindset of educators who are effective in nurturing intrinsic motivation, student engagement, and resilience in students

12 Noon - 12:45 PM: Lunch

12:45 PM -2:45 PM:

  • Continued description of the mindset of educators who are effective in nurturing intrinsic motivation, student engagement, and resilience in students, including empathy and empathic communication
  • Small group discussion focusing on reinforcing empathy and empathic communication in faculty and administrators

Friday, June 18

7:30 AM - 8:00 AM: Continental breakfast

8:00 AM - 12:15 PM:

  • A description of a framework and techniques for increasing “stress hardiness” and lessening burnout in educators
  • Small group discussion to develop actions plans that participants plan to introduce and implement in their schools in the upcoming school yea followed by sharing these ideas with the entire group 

Please note: Schedule is preliminary and subject to change