
Still Doubting My Doubts: The Case of PBL

Last week, I described my enduring concerns about “embodied cognition.” I’m not sure I understand the…

Young girl swinging on a playground swing; a wooden structure behind her

Doubting My Doubts; The Case of Gesture and Embodied Cognition

The more time I spend hearing “research-informed educational advice,” the more I worry about the enticing…

Teaching and Learning Illuminated_FAW.indd

Teaching & Learning Illuminated by Bradley Busch, Edward Watson, &...

From The Science of Learning, Bradley Busch, Edward Watson, and Ludmila Bogatchek have kicked it…

A bright yellow American football goalpost, above a bright green field and against dark stadium

Revisiting the “Handwriting vs. Laptops” Debate: More Moving Goalposts

I don’t often repost articles, but I think this one deserves another look — for…

Students sitting in a gym at desks, presumably taking exams. The student in front shields her eyes with her hands, looking stressed and depressed.

Goals, Failure, and Emotions: a Conceptual Framework

Researchers can provide guidance to teachers by looking at specific teaching practices. In last week’s…

A closeup of a young student leaning his face up against a chalkboard, his eyes closed in frustration.

“Learning from Mistakes” vs. “Learning from Explanations”

As I wrote last week, thinkers in edu-world often make strong claims at the expense…

A graphic of two heads facing each other in conversation: one with a lightbulb inside, the other with a question mark.

“All People Learn the Same Way”: Exploring a Debate

Over on eX/Twitter, a debate has been raging — with all the subtlety and nuance…

Book Cover for Difference Maker, by Christian Moore-Anderson

Difference Maker: Enacting Systems Theory in Biology Teaching, by Christian...

Today’s book review is by Beth Hawks. Teaching Science is a Challenge Science classes cover…


Hope for Cynics by Jamil Zaki

When I first picked up Hope for Cynics: The Surprising Science of Human Goodness by…

A drawing of a small bird being freed from a cage -- against a brigth orange and yellow background.

“AHA!”: A Working Memory Story…

Teachers, students, people: we spend lots of our time figuring stuff out. Sometimes, we do that…