Friday, November 16
8:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Cost per person: $199.
By advance registration only. Select one of six.
Add $30 fee if you are not attending the conference.
Bena Kallick and Allison Zmuda will make the case for why we need to make a shift toward personalizing learning and developing the necessary dispositions for success. Through a deeper exploration of these questions, the presenters will share examples from schools and districts that are developing generative experiences where questioning, problem posing, and innovative practices are designed and implemented.
Bena Kallick, PhD, Co-Director of the Institute for Habits of Mind; Program Director for Eduplanet21, a company dedicated to online professional learning and curriculum development based on the Understanding by Design® framework; Educational Consultant; Co-Author, Students at the Center: Personalized Learning with Habits of Mind (2017) and Dispositions: Reframing Teaching and Learning (2013); Co-Editor, Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind: 16 Essential Characteristics for Success (2009); and Allison Zmuda, MA, Education Consultant specializing in curriculum, assessment, and instruction Faculty Member in the Understanding by Design cadre, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development; Co-Author, Students at the Center: Personalized Learning with Habits of Mind (2017), Learning Personalized: The Evolution of the Contemporary Classroom (2015), Transforming Schools, and Breaking Free from Myths About Teaching and Learning (2010), and The Competent Classroom (2001)
Here is the big secret about Problem-Based Learning (PBL)...It’s not that complicated! Now is the time to transform instruction with enriched everyday problem-based learning. It is easy to get started with tools already familiar to teachers today: graphic organizers, essential questions, rich and relevant content, rigorous thinking skills, digital-rich tools for searching and researching, collaborative team work, projects, presentation skills, and more.
Robin J. Fogarty, PhD, President, Robin Fogarty & Associates; Former Teacher at all grade levels; Co-Author, Everyday Problem-Based Learning: Quick Projects to Build Problem-Solving Fluency (2017), Unlocking Student Talent: The New Science of Developing Expertise (2017), From Staff Room to Classroom (2017, 2nd Edition), Supporting Differentiated Instruction (2010), and Brain-Compatible Classroom (2009); and Brian M. Pete, MA, President, Robin Fogarty & Associates; Educational Consultant; Co-Author, Everyday Problem-Based Learning: Quick Projects to Build Problem-Solving Fluency (2017), Unlocking Student Talent: The New Science of Developing Expertise (2017), From Staff Room to Classroom (2017, 2nd Edition), Supporting Differentiated Instruction (2010), and Brain-Compatible Classroom (2009)
This workshop is designed to support professional learning communities as well as individual educators who are seeking to create relevant and innovative learning experiences through purposeful integration of technology. Katie Martin will provide you with a snapshot of where students currently are in your instructional practice and will generate discussion about how you may want to grow to meet the learners you serve. You will explore case studies of teaching and learning to understand the most impactful intersection of technology and pedagogy that will empower learners to take ownership of their learning, create new knowledge and ideas, and discover their passions.
Katie Martin, PhD, Head of Partnership-West, AltSchool; Former Director of Professional Learning, University of San Diego; Author, Learner-Centered Innovation: Spark Curiosity, Ignite Passion, and Unleash Genius (2018)
Many teachers want to use differentiation to help all students grow. But what does differentiation really look like in today’s classrooms? This workshop will tackle that question through hands-on activities focused on making differentiation practical and applicable in real Middle and High School settings. You will examine and participate in active strategies for building classroom community, gathering information on student progress and talents, engaging students in challenging content, adjusting the level of support and scaffolding, and fostering motivation...all with the goal of helping every student make significant progress, no matter where each student begins.
Kristina J. Doubet, PhD, Consultant; Professor, Department of Middle, Secondary, and Mathematics Education, James Madison University; Co-Author, Differentiation in Elementary School (2017), The Differentiated Flipped Classroom (2016), Differentiation in Middle and High Schools (2015) and Smart in the Middle Grades (2006)
This interactive workshop will arm you with powerful research on the benefits of voluminous, high-success reading, detailed blueprints for classroom libraries, inspiring case studies, and powerful advocacy strategies to give all readers what they need to thrive. Annie Ward will guide you to develop detailed action plans to implement in your own school or district.
Annie Ward, EdM, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction for the Mamaroneck NY Public Schools; Former Local Instructional Superintendent for the New York City Department of Education; Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction, Staff Developer, and English teacher;Co-Author, From Striving to Thriving: How to Grow Confident, Capable Readers (2017)
In this workshop, John Gabrieli will discuss research from his lab on how mindfulness meditation changes the structure and function of the human brain and results from a Middle School mindfulness-based program. You will explore with Chris Willard the best wisdom and research for supporting a mindful practice by examining all angles, including creating a community of support around children and adolescents. Together you will practice both formal and informal mindfulness practices, adapting and integrating mindfulness into creative learning, play, movement, and the arts.
John D. E. Gabrieli, PhD, Director, MIT's Integrated Learning Initiative; Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences; Associate Director, Athinoula A. Martinos Imaging Center, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Christopher Willard, PsyDPsychotherapist and Educational Consultant; Lecturer in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Board Member, The Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy; Author, Raising Resilience: The Wisdom and Science of Happy Families and Thriving Children (2017), Growing Up Mindful: Essential Practices to Help Children, Teens and Families Find Balance, Calm and Resilience (2016) and Child's Mind: Mindfulness Practices to Help Our Children Be More Focused, Calm, and Relaxed (2006); Co-Editor, Teaching Mindfulness Skills to Kids and Teens (2017)