Friday, November 06
Location: Virtual Conference
5:30-8:30 PM ET / 2:30-5:30 PM PT
Pre-Conference Workshops
Room: TBA
5:30-8:30 PM ET / 2:30-5:30 PM PT
1. Igniting Deep Learning with the Social-Emotional Brain in Mind: Tools from Understanding by Design® & Neuroscience
James J. McTighe, MEd; Judy Willis, MD, MEd
Room: TBA
5:30-8:30 PM ET / 2:30-5:30 PM PT
2. Moving from Motivating Students to Teaching Self-Motivation in Schools and in Remote Learning
Michael Anderson, MS
Room: TBA
5:30-8:30 PM ET / 2:30-5:30 PM PT
3. SEL from a Distance: Teaching for Engagement and Social-Emotional Growth in an Online Learning Environment
Douglas B. Fisher, PhD
Room: TBA
5:30-8:30 PM ET / 2:30-5:30 PM PT
4. Cultivating Mindfulness and SEL in Service of Belonging
Meena Srinivasan, MEd
This schedule is preliminary and subject to change.
Saturday, November 07
Location: Virtual Conference
9:00-10:00 AM ET / 6:00-7:00 AM PT
Keynote: Social and Emotional Learning: From Science, to Practice, to Systemic Change During COVID-19 - Marc A. Brackett, PhD
10:05-11:05 AM ET / 7:05-8:05 AM PT
Keynote: The Science of Learning: Why All Learning Is Emotional and Social - Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, EdD
11:05-11:10 AM ET / 8:05-8:10 AM PT
5 minute Break
11:10 AM-12:25 PM ET / 8:10-9:25 AM PT
Concurrent Breakout Sessions A: Emotional Brains: Revising SEL in Schools During COVID-19
Room: TBA
11:10 AM-12:25 PM ET / 8:10-9:25 AM PT
SEL from the Start: Supporting the Development of Social and Emotional Skills Even in This Challenging COVID-19 World
Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman, PhD
Room: TBA
11:10 AM-12:25 PM ET / 8:10-9:25 AM PT
The 4C's (No-Cost and Proven) That Heal Trauma and Build Students' Social-Emotional Skills in Challenging Times
Michele Borba, EdD
Room: TBA
11:10 AM-12:25 PM ET / 8:10-9:25 AM PT
Using Schools to Enhance Social-Emotional Outcomes of Urban Youth
David A. Adams, MEd
Room: TBA
11:10 AM-12:25 PM ET / 8:10-9:25 AM PT
Energizing College Learning With the Science of Emotions
Sarah Rose Cavanagh, PhD
Room: TBA
11:10 AM-12:25 PM ET / 8:10-9:25 AM PT
Brain-Aligned Strategies: Addressing the Social, Emotional, and Academic Needs of All Students
Lori L. Desautels, PhD
(All Grades)
Room: TBA
11:10 AM-12:25 PM ET / 8:10-9:25 AM PT
Teaching Social-Emotional Learning Through Reading and Writing Workshops (K-5)
Michael Anderson, MS
12:25-12:45 PM ET / 9:25-9:45 AM PT
20 Minute Break (Meet Exhibitors/Attendees)
12:45-1:45 PM ET / 9:45-10:45 AM PT
Keynote: Stress-Proof: Managing Stress in the Age of COVID-19 - Mithu Storoni, MD, PhD
1:45-2:45 PM ET / 10:45-11:45 AM PT
Concurrent Breakout Sessions B: Resilient Brains: Rebuilding Resilience & Mental Health
Room: TBA
1:45-2:45 PM ET / 10:45-11:45 AM PT
When Bad Things Happen to Good Brains: The Effects of Toxic Stress on Development
Charles A. Nelson III, PhD
Room: TBA
1:45-2:45 PM ET / 10:45-11:45 AM PT
What Our Pandemic Generation Needs So They Are Less Stressed, More Resilient, Empathic, and Ready for an Uncertain World
Michele Borba, EdD
Room: TBA
1:45-2:45 PM ET / 10:45-11:45 AM PT
How Mindfulness Fosters Emotional Health and Cognitive Focus in Students
John D.E. Gabrieli, PhD
Room: TBA
1:45-2:45 PM ET / 10:45-11:45 AM PT
At the Breaking Point: Stress and Mental Health on Principals and Administrators in the Age of COVID-19
Peter M. DeWitt, EdD
(K-12, College)
Room: TBA
1:45-2:45 PM ET / 10:45-11:45 AM PT
Peer Mentoring and Social-Emotional Resilience in Youth With Learning Difficulties
Fumiko Hoeft, MD, PhD
Room: TBA
1:45-2:45 PM ET / 10:45-11:45 AM PT
Using Technology With A Heart: Easing Anxiety and Empowering Social-Emotional Learning and Student Voice in a Hybrid or Remote Classroom
Stacey Roshan, MA
(All Grades)
2:45-3:00 PM ET / 11:45 AM-12:00 PM PT
15 Minute Break (Meet Exhibitors/Attendees)
3:00-4:00 PM ET / 12:00-1:00 PM PT
Keynote: The Neuroscience of Human Relationships and Attachment - Louis J. Cozolino, PhD
4:05-5:35 PM ET / 1:05-2:35 PM PT
Concurrent Breakout Sessions C: Social Brains: Restoring Classroom and Teacher Relationships
Room: TBA
4:05-5:35 PM ET / 1:05-2:35 PM PT
The Social Brain: Language, Culture, and Social Interaction in Learning
Andrew N. Meltzoff, PhD; Patricia K. Kuhl, PhD
Room: TBA
4:05-5:35 PM ET / 1:05-2:35 PM PT
The Social Child: Restoring Relationships, Healing Trauma, and Creating Attached Classrooms
Louis J. Cozolino, PhD
Room: TBA
4:05-5:35 PM ET / 1:05-2:35 PM PT
Building Meaning Builds Teens’ Brains: The Importance of Relationships, Relevance, and Meaning-Making for Adolescent Learning
Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, EdD; Douglas Knecht, MA
Room: TBA
4:05-5:35 PM ET / 1:05-2:35 PM PT
Relationship-Rich Education: How Human Connections Drive Success in College
Peter Felten, PhD
(9-12, College)
Room: TBA
4:05-5:35 PM ET / 1:05-2:35 PM PT
The Power of Discord: Fostering Relational Connections and Resilience in Children in Times of Uncertainty
Edward Z. Tronick, PhD; Claudia M. Gold, MD
(All Ages)
Room: TBA
4:05-5:35 PM ET / 1:05-2:35 PM PT
HIVEMIND: Lessons from Social Media, Honeybees, and Social Neuroscience for the Classroom
Sarah Rose Cavanagh, PhD
(All Ages)
This schedule is preliminary and subject to change.
Sunday, November 08
Location: Virtual Conference
9:30-10:30 AM ET / 6:30-7:30 AM PT
Keynote: The Science and Practice of Self-Reg - Stuart G. Shanker, DPhil
10:30-10:45 AM ET / 7:30-7:45 AM PT
15 Minute Virtual Coffee Break/Meet-Ups
10:45 AM-12:00 PM ET / 7:45-9:00 AM PT
Concurrent Breakout Sessions D: Regulated Brains: Raising Self-Regulation & Executive Function Skills
Room: TBA
10:45 AM-12:00 PM ET / 7:45-9:00 AM PT
The Impact of Adversity on Young Children's Self-Regulation and Executive Function
Dana C. McCoy, PhD
Room: TBA
10:45 AM-12:00 PM ET / 7:45-9:00 AM PT
Self-Reg in the Classroom
Stuart G. Shanker, DPhil
Room: TBA
10:45 AM-12:00 PM ET / 7:45-9:00 AM PT
Self-Regulation in the Classroom: Helping Students Learn How to Learn in Today's World
Richard M. Cash, EdD
Room: TBA
10:45 AM-12:00 PM ET / 7:45-9:00 AM PT
Neuroscience, Mindfulness, and Self-Regulation: Helping Children With Autism, ADHD, Trauma, and Sensory Disorders Regulate Their Emotions
Varleisha D. (Gibbs) Lyons, PhD, OTD, MS, OTR; L, ASDCS, FAOTA
Room: TBA
10:45 AM-12:00 PM ET / 7:45-9:00 AM PT
Building Students’ Social Emotional Strength and Self-Management Through Literacy
Nancy N. Boyles, EdD
12:00-12:25 PM ET / 9:00-9:25 AM PT
25 Minute Break (Meet Exhibitors/Attendees)
12:25-1:25 PM ET / 9:25:10:25 AM PT
Keynote: Theory of Enchantment - An Innovative Approach to SEL - Chloé S. Valdary, BA
1:30-3:00 PM ET / 10:30-12:00 PM PT
Concurrent Breakout Sessions E: Behaved Brains: Improving Behavior, Trauma, and Discipline in Challenging Times
Room: TBA
1:30-3:00 PM ET / 10:30-12:00 PM PT
Brain-Changing Strategies to Trauma-Proof Our Schools: Building Social-Emotional Intelligence and a Culture of Kindness
Peter A. Levine, PhD; Maggie Kline, MS, LMFT, SEP
Room: TBA
1:30-3:00 PM ET / 10:30-12:00 PM PT
Thoughtfully Applying SEL and Restorative Practices During and After COVID-19
Nathan Maynard, BBS
Room: TBA
1:30-3:00 PM ET / 10:30-12:00 PM PT
Empowering All Learners: Creating Socially and Emotionally Engaged, Safe, and Inclusive Classrooms
Douglas B. Fisher, PhD
Room: TBA
1:30-3:00 PM ET / 10:30-12:00 PM PT
Connections Over Compliance: Rewiring Our Perceptions of Discipline
Lori L. Desautels, PhD
(All Ages)
Room: TBA
1:30-3:00 PM ET / 10:30-12:00 PM PT
Empowering All Educators to Handle Challenging Students: Succeeding With COVID-19, Neurodiveristy, Behavior, and SEL
Marcia Eckerd, PhD
This schedule is preliminary and subject to change.