Earn five (5) hours toward professional development credit for educators and certain clinicians. After the seminar, you will have to submit an evaluation form in order to be eligible for credit and certificate of attendance. For more information on the availability of professional development credits, call 857-444-1500 x1 or email [email protected].
Credits for Educators: State Department of Education
ERI is able to provide credits that qualify for the education departments in most states and are accepted by most districts. You may wish to check whether your state's Department of Education requires special approved provider status. ERI is a specifically approved provider in the Departments of Education in the states of NY and WA.
Effective 07/27/2018, ERI is a NYSED Approved CTLE Sponsor.
Credits for Psychologists and School Psychologists:
Educator Resources, Inc. (ERI), the producers of the Learning & Brain seminars, is approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. ERI maintains responsibility for the program. Psychologists and school psychologists must complete the evaluation form in their program book in order to receive credit.
Credits for Speech-Language Pathologists:

Brain-Compatible Teaching in Challenging Times
The program is offered for 0.5 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level; Professional area).
SLP participants will be able to:
List 20 strategies that take advantage of the way all brains learn best
Recall facts regarding the physiology of the brain as those facts pertain to increased comprehension and retention
Describe five elements which teachers must use to facilitate the growth of students’ brain cells
Analyze the effects of positive and negative thinking on academic achievement and social and emotional learning
Delineate 10 characteristics of a brain-compatible classroom
Develop virtual and face-to-face lesson plans which adhere to brain research and incorporate brain-compatible strategies
Seminar Schedule
10:00am – 11:45am: Welcome & introduction of goals; Description of the five elements which teachers must use to facilitate the growth of students’ brain cells; List 20 strategies that take advantage of the way all brains learn best
11:45am – 12:00pm: Break
12:00pm – 1:15pm: Analysis of the effects of positive and negative thinking on academic achievement and social and emotional learning; recollection of facts regarding the physiology of the brain as those facts pertain to increased comprehension and retention
1:15pm – 2:00pm: Break
2:00pm – 4:00pm: Deliniation of 10 characteristics of a brain-compatible classroom; development of virtual and face-to-face lesson plans which adhere to brain research and incorporate brain-compatible strategies; Wrap Up
Marcia Tate, EdD, is the former executive director of professional development for the DeKalb County School System in Decatur, Georgia. During her 30-year career with the district, she has been a classroom teacher, reading specialist, language arts coordinator, and staff development executive director. For the last 16 years, as CEO of Developing Minds Inc., she has presented workshops to over 500,000 educators on five continents. She is the author of eight bestsellers, including those books contained in the immensely popular Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites: 20 Instructional Strategies that Engage the Brain series. Participants in her workshops refer to them as some of the best they have ever experienced since Dr. Tate models the 20 strategies in her books to actively engage her audiences.
Financial disclosure – Marcia Tate is receiving a speaking fee for her presentation. Non-financial disclosure – Marcia Tate has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
Credits for Social Workers:
Educator Resources, Inc., can apply for 3 Category I credits to social workers through the Collaborative of the National Association of Social Workers - MA Chapter (NASW-MA) and the Boston College and Simmons College Schools of Social Work
upon request. **Please check with your state chapter to ensure that these credits are applicable to your state standards. For some social workers in NY state, they may not be applicable without special approval.
Apply to Your Own Professional Organization/District for Credits (CE Credits)
Educator Resources, Inc. (ERI) may not be approved by your professional organization to offer continuing education credits. However, you can submit your own request to your organization for approval to receive credits at the conference. Simply submit the following documents to your organization to request CE approval. Print the Conference Program and Schedule, Conference Brochure, and the Evaluation Form sample documents and submit them to you organization or district for approval.
If you would like us to apply for credits with a specific organization, please contact CE Director, Kristin Dunay at 857-444-1500 x1 or email [email protected].