Please read the following information regarding CE requirements:
Certificates of attendance are suitable for use to meet professional development requirements for educators and clinicians. Attendees can earn 17 - 21 contact hours of credit by attending the three-day conference. An additional 4 hours of credit are available for educators and some clinicians for attending pre-conference workshops for a total of 21 hours. The conference is 17 contact hours = 1.7 CEU or 17 PDPs and CEs. Speech-language credits (1.7 CEUs) are available only for the conference and not for pre-conference workshops. Speech-language professionals must sign in and out each day, and must pick up an ASHA participation form at the conference Help/Information Desk.
In order to receive any professional development credits, you must do three things at the conference:
1) Sign in on your first day of the conference when you do check-in registration,
2) Sign out on the last day of the conference,
3) Fill out the evaluation/learning outcomes questionnaire in your program book and leave the form at the conference registration desk on your last day at the conference. Certificates will be emailed to you four weeks after the conference.
Psychologists and School Psychologists must complete the evaluation form in their program book.
You can also receive additional credits by writing a paper on how you applied what you learned. For more details and questions, contact the CE Director, Kristin Dunay at (781) 449-4010 ext. 102.
CE Available Credits:
Credits for Speech/Language Pathologists (Approval Pending):
This program is offered for 17 CEUs (Intermediate level; Professional area).
SLP participants will be able to:
Learning Objectives
SLP participants will be able to:
Credits for Psychologists and School Psychologists:
Public Information Resources, Inc. (PIRI) is approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. PIRI maintains responsibility for the program. Psychologists and school psychologists must complete the evaluation form in their program book in order to receive credits
Credits for Certified Counselors:
PIRI has been approved by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) to award CEU credits for certified counselors. (Provider #5947)
Credits for Educators: State Department of Education:
PIRI is able to provide credits that qualify for the education departments in most states and are accepted by most districts. You may wish to check whether your state's Department of Education requires special approved provider status. PIRI is a specifically approved provider in the Departments of Education in the states of PA, IL, GA, TX, CT, MN and MA.
Credits for CA Social Workers/Marriage and Family Therapists/Educational Psychologists:
PIRI is approved by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences to offer CE credits to Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT); Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW); Licensed Educational Psychologists (LEP); MFT Interns; and Associate Clinical Social Workers (ASW) in the State of California. (PCE#2072)
Credits for School Social Workers:
Public Information Resources, Inc., has applied for up to 20 Category I credits to social workers through the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) collaborative through Boston College and Simmons College Schools of Social Work.
Credits for Education Therapists:
Public Information Resources, Inc. is approved to provide continuing education credits for Education Therapists through The Association of Educational Therapists (AET).
Educational Incentive Program:
Rockefeller College, University of Albany, State University of New York Scholarship funding to participate in this training may be available through the Educational Incentive Program (EIP). For more information or to apply for a scholarship, visit You may also contact EIP at or 800-295-9616.
Apply to Your Own Professional Organization/District for Credits (CE credits):
Public Information Resources, Inc. (PIRI) may not be approved by your professional organization to offer continuing education credits. However, you can submit your own request to your organization for approval to receive credits at the conference. Simply submit the following documents to your organization to request CE approval. Print the Conference Program and Schedule, Conference Brochure, and the Evaluation Form sample documents and submit them to you organization or district for approval.
If you would like us to apply for credits with a specific organization, please contact CE Director, Kristin Dunay at (781) 449-4010 ext. 102.
Continue Your Education: Earn Additional Credit by Writing a Paper
Write a 3-5-page paper on how you applied what you've learned and have your paper published on our website and earn 5 additional credit hours.
Write a 3-5-page paper on how you applied what you've learned and have your paper published on our website and earn 5 additional credit hours. As an Attendee, you are invited to submit an original 3-5 page paper describing how you have applied information or skills learned at the Learning ghj_amp the Brain Conference to your classroom or work with children. Your paper will be considered for publication on the Learning ghj_amp the Brain Conference society website, and, you will earn five (5) extra hours of professional development credit-time.
By submitting a paper, you are agreeing to have your paper posted in whole or in part on our web site for others to learn from your experiences.
The paper must be submitted in electronic form either as an attached Word 6.0/2000 document or within the body of an email. It must be sent no later than six months after completion of the Conference to be considered for credit.
Email your paper to CE Director, Kristin Dunay.
Public Information Resources, Inc. reserves the right to not use your paper or to edit it if accepted for publication on the web site. Your name as author, your school or organization, and your email address will be published on the web site and/or poster session along with your paper. This is an opportunity to profile ideas and earn professional development credit. Acceptance does not include complimentary registration to the Conference. If you are interested in this, please contact Kristin Dunay at
Your paper must be 500-750 words and answer some of the following questions.