January-18-2025, ●Online
February-1-2025, ●Online
March-1-2025, ●Online
March-22-2025, ●Online
April-5-2025, ●Online
July 14-18, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 14-18, 2025●Boston, MA
July 14-18, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 21-25, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 21-25, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 21 2025 - July 25 2025, ●Boston, MA
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology; Director, Cognitive Development Lab, New York University; Co-Author, “Intuitions About Personal Identity are Rooted in Essentialist Thinking Across Development” (2019, Cognition), “Young Children’s Self-Concepts Include Representations of Abstract Traits and the Global Self” (2017, Child Development), and “How Children Construct Views of Themselves: A Social-Developmental Perspective” (2017, Child Development)