André A. Fenton, PhD

Director, Center for Neural Science; Professor of Neural Science, New York University; Founder, Director, Chairman of the Board, Bio-Signal Group Corp.; Co-Host of “NOVA Wonders” on PBS; Co-Author, “KIBRA Anchoring the Action of PKMζ Maintains the Persistence of Memory” (2024, Science Advances), “Aversive Experience Drives Offline Ensemble Reactivation to Link Memories Across Days” (2023, bioRxiv), “Children's Social Representations of Utopian Societies” (2022, Children & Society), “Cognitive Control Persistently Enhances Hippocampal Information Processing" (2021, Nature), and “Navigating Clues to Success in Academia” (2021, Neuron)


The Science of Learning

Sheraton NY Times Square Hotel or Virtually via Zoom  April 25-27, 2025

Keynote Address I: The Neurobiology of Learning to Learn: What We Think, We Become

The Science of Knowledge

Sheraton NY Times Square Hotel, New York, NY or Virtually via Zoom  April 1-3, 2022

Keynote Address III Option A: Knowledge of Learning

The Neurobiology of Learning to Learn: What We Think, We Become