Clinical Professor of Early Childhood Literacy, School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University; Recipient of NYU Steinhardt's 2023 "Teaching Excellence" Award; Named one of “67 Influential Educators Who Are Changing the Way We Learn” by Noodle Education; Reading Researcher whose work has been published in The Reading Teacher, The Reading League Journal, and the Handbook of Learning Disabilities; Co-Author, “Seizing the Sounds: Considering Phonological Awareness in the Context of Vocabulary Instruction” (2016, Interventions in Learning Disabilities)
The Science of Reading: Language, Learning, and the Reading Brain
Advancing the Science of Reading for our Youngest Learners: Neuroscience, Early Childhood & School Partnerships
Cortex in the Classroom: Refining Professional Knowledge to Build Capacity for Reading Instruction
From Cortex to the Classroom: Understanding How the Brain Learns to Read