February-1-2025, ●Online
March-1-2025, ●Online
March-22-2025, ●Online
April-5-2025, ●Online
May-3-2025, ●Online
July 14-18, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 14-18, 2025●Boston, MA
July 14-18, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 21-25, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 21-25, 2025●Santa Barbara, CA
July 21 2025 - July 25 2025, ●Boston, MA
Founder, The School of Hope LLC; Developer, Building H.O.P.E.© Framework; Strategic Instructional Model Professional Developer, University of Kansas; Main Contributor, George Lucas's Edutopia; Featured Speaker, TED Ed; Collaborator with Thrively on the Global Hope Measurement and Growth; 2023 Recipient of the Virginia ASCD Impact Award for Transforming Schools; Author, The Hopeful Brain: Unlocking Mental Power of Motivation, Success, and Happiness (Forthcoming) and the Best-Selling Corwin book, The School of Hope: The Journey From Trauma and Anxiety to Achievement, Happiness, and Resilience (2022)