Chan M. Hellman, PhD

Professor, Anne & Henry Zarrow School of Social Work; Founding Director, The Hope Research Center, University of Oklahoma; One of the World’s Leading Researchers on Hope; Co-Founder with Oklahoma First Lady Sarah Stitt and the Sarah Stitt Hope Foundation of “Hope Rising Oklahoma,” an Initiative whose mission is to empower people, families, education, and communities to better their lives through the science of hope; Co-Author, “Hope As a Buffer to Suicide Attempts Among Adolescents With Depression” (2023, School Health), “Hope and Resilience As Distinct Contributors to Psychological Flourishing Among Childhood Trauma Survivors” (2020, Traumatology), and Hope Rising: How The Science of Hope Can Change Your Life (2018)


Teaching Stronger Brains

Fairmont San Francisco or Virtually via Zoom  February 20-22, 2025