Jason A. Okonofua, PhD

Social Psychologist; Assistant Professor, Psychology Department, University of California, Berkeley; Researcher who has launched with Google an online intervention program for schools on bias and empathy, and is also collaborating with the Juvenile Justice Center in Alameda County to ease youth offender’s transition back into school; Co-Author, “Brief Intervention to Encourage Empathic Discipline Cuts Suspension Rates in Half Among Adolescents” (2016, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)


Educating with Empathy

The Historic Fairmont Hotel, Atop Nob Hill,
San Francisco, CA  February 15-17, 2019

Empathetic School Discipline

How Teacher Empathy Can Reduce Suspensions and Discipline Problems

Positive, Resilient Minds

Held at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel in Arlington, VA  April 7-9, 2017