Co-Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer, Thriving YOUniversity; Certified Life Coach; Consultant; Professional Learning Designer and Facilitator; Former Principal; Former Senior Consultant, Collaborative Learning Solutions; Awarded Teacher of the Year and Principal of the Year; Passionately committed to empowering individuals and organizations to THRIVE
Igniting Sparks: Promoting Passion, Purpose, and Engagement in the Classroom
Mind Matters: The Neuroscience of Mindsets, Motivation, Mindfulness, and Metacognition
Building Belonging and Cultivating Connection so that Staff and Students Can Thrive
Cultivating Culture: Connecting Kindness, Empathy, and Gratitude to Student Learning
How Social, Emotional and Academic Learning (SEAL) Strengthens Achievement, Behavior, and Climate
Cultivating Climate: Using Kindness, Empathy, and Gratitude to Reduce Bullying
Taking Time to B.R.E.A.T.H.: Strategies for Strengthening Wellbeing and Resilience in Teachers
More Good Days: Brain-Friendly Practices for Trauma Responsive Schools
Taking Time to B.R.E.A.T.H.E.: Research-Based Practices to Strengthen Wellbeing and Resilience
What I Wish My Teacher Knew: A Strengths-Based Approach to Creating a Trauma-Sensitive Classroom
Emotions, Engagement, Empowerment: Instruction That Makes Learning Stick
Finding Your Magic: Cultivating Kindness, Empathy, and Compassion in the Classroom
The Power of Growing Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Resilience in Education