Cognitive Behavioral Scientist; Chief Innovation Officer, Potentia Institute 21; Director, Schwab Learning Center at the Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation; Former Executive Director of the Stanford Schwab Learning Center and Founder of the UDL Innovation Studio, Stanford University; Former Senior Research Scientist, CAST, Universal Design for Learning; Author, Teaching for the Lifespan (2016); Co-Author, Teaching for the Lifespan: Successfully Transitioning Students with Learning Differences to Adulthood (2015) and “Cognitive Diversity and the Design of Classroom Tests for All Learners” (2012, Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability)
Rethinking 504 and IEP Accommodations: Using the Neuroscience of Behavior, Social-Emotions, and Mental Health for Reading, ADHD, and Learning Disorders
Promoting Resilience in Adolescents and Young Adults With ADHD and Learning Disorders
Applying the Science of Learning and Reading to IEP and 504 Accommodations
Using the Neuroscience of Anxiety, Social-Emotional, and Mental Health in Reading and Learning Disorders to Rethink 504 and IEP Accommodations
Using the Neuroscience of Learning Difficulties and Social Emotional Skills to Rethink 504 Accommodations
The Role of Socio-Emotional Health and Universal Design for Learning in Promoting a School Culture of Empathy