Alfred Manning Associate Professor, Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Sciences, Brown University; Secondary Faculty Appointment, Carney Institute for Brain Science; Winner of multiple awards, including the Cognitive Neuroscience Society “Young Investigator” Award for outstanding contributions to science, the American Psychological Society's “Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions”, and the American Psychological Association’s “Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology” in the area of cognition and human learning; Co-Author, “A Probabilistic Map of Emotional Experiences During Competitive Social Interactions” (2022, Nature Communications), “Following Your Group or Your Morals? The In-Group Promotes Immoral Behavior While the Outgroup Buffers Against It” (2022, Social Psychological and Personality Science), and “The Computational Challenges of Social Learning” (2021, Trends in Cognitive Science)
The Dynamics of Prosocial Choice