Yearly Archives: 2018

investigating mindfulness

Investigating Mindfulness: How Do We Know Its Benefits?

We would, of course, like to see studies with larger sample sizes, active control conditions, longer-term evaluation of results and so forth. This study find some positive trends, but overall isn’t impressed with the research progress over the last 13 years. Continue reading

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sleeplessness harms women

Sleeplessness Harms Women’s Thinking More Than Men’s?

You can understand why this study lit up my twitter feed recently. It makes a…

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neuroplasticity and myelin

Neuroplasticity and Myelin: Fascinating Brain Mysteries

Neuroplasticity and myelin are critical for the brain’s lifelong development, and essential for some of its most remarkable accomplishments. Continue reading

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yes brain

The Yes Brain: How to Cultivate Courage, Curiosity, and Resilience...

In their new book The Yes Brain: How to Cultivate Courage, Curiosity, and Resilience in…

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motivation vs. IQ

Motivation vs. IQ: Which Is More Important?

In the “motivation vs. IQ” debate, the Gottfrieds’ research suggests that intrinsic love of learning sets students on a path to lifetime fulfillment. And, parents can help them get there by encouraging curiosity. Continue reading

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outdoor learning advantage

Surprise! The Unexpected Outdoor Class Advantage

But do your students have a point? Might there be good reasons to move class outside every now and then? Continue reading

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Getting the Best Advice about Learning

Occasionally I try to persuade people that neuroscience is fantastically complicated. In other words: we…

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read research skeptically

You Are Not a Nile Grass Rat…

Teachers should pay close attention to neuroscience and psychology research done on people. However, you should NEVER change your teaching practice based on research into non-human animals. Continue reading

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musician memory

Do Musicians Really Have Better Memories?

Musicians have better long-term, short-term, and working memory than non-musicians. We don’t know why musician memory is stronger, but we have good hypotheses. Continue reading

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Brain Chalkboard_Credit

Motivating Retrieval Practice: Money Doesn’t Help

This study suggests that retrieval practice should–as much as possible–come in the form of very-low-stakes or no-stakes retrieval. Continue reading

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