Yearly Archives: 2019


Research Summary: The Best and Worst Highlighting Strategies

Does highlighting help students learn? As is so often the case, the answer is: it…

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Let’s Have More Fun with the Correlation/Causation Muddle

We’ve explored the relationship of correlation and causation before on the blog. In particular, this…

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“Wait Just a Minute!”: The Benefits of Procrastination?

“A year from now, you’ll wish you had started today.” This quotation, attributed to Karen…

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grades and motivation

True/False: Grades Motivate Students to Study Better?

The following story is true. (The names have been left out because I’ve forgotten them.)…

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Physics and Engineering: My New Year’s Resolution

  Over on Twitter, @DylanWilliam wrote: “[P]hysics tells you about the properties of materials but…

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