Student Taking Photo

“No Cameras Allowed:” Does Taking Pictures During Lectures Benefit Learning?

Should students use cameras to take pictures of boardwork? My high school students know my…

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Stressed by Demands

It’s Funny (but It’s Not): Our Instincts about Learning are...

Every now and then, research is just plain funny. Here’s the story: If you’ve spent…

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Behind their Screens What Teens Are Facing (and Adults Are...

So, you think you know what effect social media has on teens? There is one…

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Stressed Students at Exam

Test Anxiety: How and When Does It Harm Students?

When our students learn, we naturally want them to show us what they’ve learned. Most schools…

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Meditating Students

Does Mindfulness Help? A Blockbuster New Study

Few ideas in education sound better than mindfulness. If mindfulness programs work as intended, teachers…

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Learning Styles Vector

The Unexpected Problem with Learning Styles Theory

I recently read a much-liked Twitter post that said (I’m paraphrasing here): If you try…

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Child Holding Gift

Marshmallows and Beyond: Cultural Influences on Self-Regulation

Few psychology studies have created a bigger stir than Walter Mishel’s research into marshmallows. Okay,…

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From Stressed to Resilient by Deborah Gilboa

Our lives are filled with change and all change is stressful whether that change is…

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Children Playing in Maze

Translating Research to the Classroom: the Case of Discovery Learning

Here at Learning and the Brain, we want teachers and students to benefit from research….

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Contemplative Student

Have You Heard of…”Prospective Memory”? What It Is, Why Teachers...

Most of the time, we remember things experienced in the past: My most recent birthday A…

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