An animal walks through a doorway. It goes in an elephant, and comes out a giraffe

Change My Mind, Please!

When was the last time you changed your mind about something important? Perhaps you rethought…

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A closeup view looking along a post-an-rail fence on a prairie of brown and green

Getting Bossy about Jigsaws; “Don’t Fence Us In”

Back in February, I wrote about the “Jigsaw method” of teaching. In this strategy, teachers…

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Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt

From the author of The Coddling of the American Mind, The Righteous Mind, and The…

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A young student sits at a desk with her hands covering her eyes; a sympathetic teacher stands next to her with his hand on her shoulder

Updating the Great Cold-Call Debate: Does Gender Matter?

Edu-Twitter predictably cycles through a number of debates; in recent weeks, the Great Cold-Call Debate…

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Close up of student with head down on a wooden desk, hair covering his or her face. Other students are working out of focus in the background.

Can students “catch” attention? Introducing “Attention Contagion”

Every teacher knows: students won’t learn much if they don’t pay attention. How can we…

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