Skeptical Magnifying Glass

The First Three Steps

Early in January, The Times (of London) quoted author Kate Silverton (on Twitter: @KateSilverton) saying:…

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Blog Braid

A “Noisy” Problem: What If Research Contradicts Students’ Beliefs?

The invaluable Peps Mccrea recently wrote about a vexing problem in education: the “noisy relationship…

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Dual Coding

Teaching with Images: Worth the Effort?

According to Richard Mayer’s “multimedia principle,” People learn better from words and pictures than from…

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Best Video Speed

Let’s Get Practical: How Fast Should Videos Be?

Research often operates at a highly abstract level. Psychologists and neuroscientists study cognitive “tasks” that…

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The Benefits of Direct Instruction: Balancing Theory with Practice

When teachers hear that “research shows we should do X,” we have at least two…

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Colored spice background. Spices and herbs top view

The Best Kind of Practice for Students Depends on the...

In some ways, teaching ought to be straightforward. Teachers introduce new material (by some method…

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College Students Texting

When Does Technology Distract Students? The Benefits of Research that...

I spoke with several hundred students last week about research-based study strategies. As always, students…

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Why I Still Love Learning and the Brain Conferences

I attended my first Learning and the Brain in 2008; I believe the topic was…

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Black College Student Holding Phone

Is “Cell Phone Addiction” Really a Thing?

I recently read a tweet asserting “the fact that cell phones are proven to be…

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Hispanic female college student studying

The Best Way to Take Class Notes

Teachers often ask me: “how should my students take notes?” That question typically springs from…

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