
What is “Mind, Brain, Education”? Defining the Undefinable…

Here at Learning and the Brain, we bring together psychology (the study of the MIND),…

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Changing the System: Where Do We Start?

I recently spent two hours talking with a group of splendid teachers from Singapore about…

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Understanding Adolescents: Emotion, Reason, and the Brain

Kurt Fischer — who helped create Learning and the Brain, and the entire field of…

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Let’s Get Practical: Signaling a Growth Mindset

Most teachers know about Mindset Theory: the idea that students’ beliefs about intelligence shape their success…

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How Do Experts Think?

Perhaps you’ve heard the saying: “To a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” It means,…

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Teachers’ Gestures Can Help Students Learn

Over the years, I’ve written about the importance of “embodied cognition.” In other words: we…

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Handwriting Improves Learning, Right?

Here’s a good rule for research: if you believe something, look for research that contradicts…

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Why Don’t My High-School Students Just Follow My Advice?

I’ve been teaching for several centuries now. You’d think my students would believe me when…

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Let’s Get Practical: What Works Best in the Classroom?

At times, this blog explores big-picture hypotheticals — the “what if” questions that can inspire…

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How Can We Help Students Study Better? [Repost]

This story might sound familiar: You attend a Learning and the Brain conference (like, say,…

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